BC Hydro, Fortis BC and food banks promote energy saving kit offer

In 2011, we assisted in kit packaging for BC Hydro and Fortis BC to promote energy savings to customers:

Thousands of cereal boxes headed for Greater Vancouver food banks this month don’t just pack nutrition. They also include a tip and an offer that can help cut energy bills.

The cereal boxes include a sticker promoting BC Hydro and Fortis BC’s free energy saving kit offer for low income customers. Qualifying customers across B.C. can order a kit online that includes energy-efficient lighting (compact fluorescent light bulbs), a low-flow showerhead, weather-stripping and an energy-saving nightlight.

Four thousand boxes of Safeway’s healthy Open Nature Granola will be distributed by the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, Surrey Food Bank and Sources White Rock/South Surrey Food Bank.

Our involvement included placing stickers on the four thousand cereal boxes that made their way to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society. For more information, please read the article on BC Hydro’s website